Posts in Side
Green Carrot Top Sauce

If you are ever lucky enough to get carrots with their green tops still attached, don’t throw them away! This tangy, spicy, herby sauce is an amazing way to use the greens, and it complements the sweetness from the carrots so well. Finding ways to use all of the produce and minimize food waste always makes me extra happy.

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Amethyst multigrain mix

This multigrain mix is both stunning and delicious! The varying textures, flavors, and colors keep every bite exciting. It took a while experimenting with different grains and proportions, but I love the combination below and it’s become a staple in our pantry. The hearty, nutty flavor is really versatile so I use the cooked grains in all kids of dishes like grain bowls, stir fry, stews, fried “rice,” or even just plain with a little sesame oil and chopped scallions on top.

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Blackened Brussel Sprouts

Three ingredients and minimal preparation means these stovetop blackened Brussel sprouts have taken over as our weeknight side dish of choice. With so little to hide behind, this technique for cooking the Brussel sprouts brings out amazing flavors and textures- salty, cripsy, deeply caramelized on one side, while being tender, juicy, and perfectly steamed on the other side.

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