Posts in Dinner
Amethyst multigrain mix

This multigrain mix is both stunning and delicious! The varying textures, flavors, and colors keep every bite exciting. It took a while experimenting with different grains and proportions, but I love the combination below and it’s become a staple in our pantry. The hearty, nutty flavor is really versatile so I use the cooked grains in all kids of dishes like grain bowls, stir fry, stews, fried “rice,” or even just plain with a little sesame oil and chopped scallions on top.

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Quinoa with Roasted Fennel and Onions

Last week’s ugly produce box came with a bunch of small onions and a gigantic fennel. With the chilly weather we are having, I was craving something nutty, toasty, and caramelly. I decided to make a quinoa dish with them instead this week. I wanted to keep the lovely roasted flavors as the highlight, so I complimented this dish with a light lemon dressing just to brighten it up a bit. I didn’t have any arugula or baby spinach, but I imagine it would taste great in this dish. I’d add it to Step 6- right when the quinoa is done- using the residual heat to wilt the greens. Please comment if you try this, or have other variations you want to share!

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