Tooriya Patra
This is a typical Gujarati that I love. Tooriya is already a quick, easy veggie to cook, but the Instant Pot makes it even easier! I cheat by using the frozen patra from Deep foods which has all the temping and spices added. I've tried to make patra myself and it's just not worth it for me. I know this recipe is limited because I rely on prepared frozen food, but it's such a great weekday dinner, I couldn't resist posting it.
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp kosher salt
2 medium tooriya (~4 cups of 2-inch sticks- see Step 1)
1 bag frozen, cooked patra (I use Deep Frozen Patra which already has coconut, coriander, and spices)
1. Prepare the tooriya by using a peeler to shave down the ridges slightly. I usually just run the peeler over each ridge 1-2 times. Cut the tooriya in half lengthwise. Take each half, and make 3 lengthwise cuts. Cut 2-inch sticks from each of the lengthwise pieces.
2. Turn the Instant Pot to sauté mode. Add the oil. After 1-2 minutes, when it the oil is hot, add the cumin seeds. Once the cumin starts to crackle, push Cancel on the Instant Pot.
3. Mix in the turmeric and salt. Then, add the tooriya pieces and toss so they are coated with the oil. Gently mix in the frozen patra. Set the instant pot to Sealing, Manual Pressure, and Time=0 (zero). Let the Instant Pot pressure Natural Release for 10 minutes, then do a Quick Release.
4. Serve hot with rice, naan, roti, or your bread of choice!