Vegetarian Healthy Eating Plan: Menu 3

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In trying to be practical, some of this is from the grocery store (i.e. kefir, sprouted bread, etc.) and some of it I make at home (salads, soups, etc).  Where they are my recipes, clicking on the dish will take you to the recipe.

All day: 2 L water

Pre-workout: Kefir + almond milk - I find kefir too thick to drink so I dilute it with almond milk

Post-workout: handful of mixed nuts and dried fruit, coconut water

AM Drink: water (8 oz) with 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tsp chia seeds, and a pinch of cayenne (soak chia in plain water overnight- I make 3 days at a time and keep it in the fridge)

Breakfast: Pecan cinnamon overnight oats

AM Snack: Spiced bourbon applesauce

Lunch: Eggless vegan "egg salad" on toast

PM Snack: Labneh and crackers

Dinner: Polenta with mushrooms and spinach

PM Drink: almond milk (8 oz) soaked with 1 date, 2 walnuts, 2 pecan, and 2 almonds (I soak this in the morning and keep it in the fridge)
