Yogurt Rice

I'll start this post by saying there are probably hundreds of variations of yogurt rice.  We went out for Indian food this weekend, and ended up with some leftover rice that I brought home.  Although I don't mind plain rice, sometimes I feel like making leftover rice more interesting.  The recipe below is a relatively quick way of jazzing up plain rice.


1/2 tsp oil
1/4 tsp cumin seeds
1 clove
2 curry leaves
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup onion, chopped
1 small green chili, chopped fine (optional)
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp grated ginger
1 cup cooked rice
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 tsp coriander leaves, chopped fine (optional)


1.  In a small saucepan, heat the oil on med-high.  Add the cumin seeds and fry for 1 min.  Add the clove, curry leaves, garlic, onions, and green chili (optional).  Cook for 2 mins, stirring constantly so it doesn't stick.  (If it looks like it is sticking, you can add 1 tbsp of water.)2.  Mix in the salt, turmeric powder, and ginger.  Add the cooked rice and mix well.  If the rice is clumped together, you can add 1-2 tbsp of water to help break it up.  Cook the rice, stirring constantly, for 2 mins.3.  Add the yogurt and mix well.  Cook for 1 min, just until it's hot. (Don't  overcook, or the yogurt will start to separate.)4.  Remove from heat and top with coriander leaves (optional).  Serve hot or cold.

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