Pickled Jalapenos


Sometimes I really crave something sour and spicy, and pickled jalapenos always hit the spot.  This is a fairly quick recipe if you have the ingredients at home.  The only complaint I have is that you have to wait a week or so before they're really "pickled."  That being said, I cheated and had one the day after...


4 jalapeno peppers, sliced (make sure they're fresh and firm)

3 pearl onions, peeled and cut in half (optional)

1 carrot, sliced (optional)

1/2 cups water

1/2 cups white vinegar

2 tsp salt (I used sea salt)

2 tsp sugar

2 whole bay leaves

2 garlic cloves, sliced

1 tsp whole black peppercorns

1.5 tsp whole coriander seeds


1.  Place the jalapenos, onions, and carrots in a large glass jar.

2.  In a small saucepan, bring the remaining ingredients to a boil on med-high heat.  Turn the heat down to med and simmer for 5 mins.

3.  Pour the pickling juice into the glass jar.  Let it cool, then cover tightly and refrigerate for at least a week.