Edgy Veggie Bytes

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Vegan "Nutella" Ice Cream

Nutella Ice Cream


1.5 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 cup raw cashews

1.5 tbsp sugar

3/4 cup chocolate hazelnut spread (you can also use Nutella)

pinch of salt


1.  Soak cashews in almond milk in the fridge overnight.

2.  Blend the cashews, almond milk, sugar, Nutella, and salt together until smooth. (NOTE: If you want the ice cream to be creamy, food process the cashews with a little bit of almond milk.  Once smooth, add the rest of the almond milk slowly and run until uniform.  Strain through a sieve.  Then blend the strained liquid with the rest of the ingredients until uniform.)

3.  Transfer to frozen ice cream maker bowl and process based on the ice cream maker instructions.